Check out these 5-to-10-minute daily podcasts that
Dr. Rob affectionately calls Your Daily Dose of Growth Podcast

EP. 767 – You’re part of a team tasked with setting a strategic direction in your company. When the team settles on their direction, you disagree with the decision. What do you do? What about when your boss fills you in a decision that you don’t agree with… what do you do? Same answer!
EP. 766 – I recently spent some time away from my offices, part of it on a cruise with my wife. One of the ports of call was Havana Cuba. It was fun, and I learned a few lessons. Here are just a few: Why you should be nice, there is always a future for those who hustle, and off the beaten path isn’t all that bad.
EP. 765 – This WEEKLY dose of growth is comprised of this week’s four shorter podcasts from Your Daily Dose of Growth. Leadership is about the relationship between the leader and the followers. Each podcast this week came from research in the book The Truth About Leadership. What are the top two things that followers want out of leaders? They want leaders who are honest and leaders who are forward-looking.
EP. 764 – Without credibility, you’ve got nothing. What is credibility? How do you get it? How do you lose it? Listen to today’s Daily Dose of Growth!
EP. 763 – Who you are is more important than what you do. So, who are you? Who are you becoming? Would you like help in those areas? Listen to today’s podcast!
EP. 762 – What are the top two things that followers want out of leaders? They want leaders who are honest and leaders who are forward-looking. Honesty is a character trait, but becoming visionary is a skill that can be developed. Today Dr. Rob talks about the need for Visionary Optimism.
EP. 761 – Continuing our review of The Truth About Leadership–Leadership is not about the leader; it’s about the relationship between the leader and the followers. Many executives forget this to their peril. Today, how to communicate in a way that others can’t wait to be part of the team.
EP. 760 – This week, we review research that we know that we know that we know are true. We put emphasis on how leadership is an affair of the heart and that leaders who lead with their head and not so much with their heart will not get the most out of their team. We also discuss the importance of leading by example and the best ways to do it. Next, we talk about two important things: GRIT and TRUST.
EP. 759 – I’ve spoken all over the world on the subject of trust! There are 5 behaviors that help you gain trust. They are reviewed in this podcast. REMEMBER you must: 1) Trust others, 2) Be Consistent, 3) Be Clear, 4) Deliver on your promises, and 5) Be really honest.
EP. 758 – Challenge allows you to find out what you are made of. It allows you to channel your inner MacGyver. Research shows the best students and most successful people are NOT the smartest, but the ones with more grit. You can learn that through how you respond to the challenges in your life!
EP. 757 – If you say one thing and do another, you need to turn in your leadership card… because people won’t follow you (unless they are paid to!). The best ways to lead by example are in taking responsibility and being vulnerable. Both are discussed.
EP. 756 – Do you love your team, your company, your job, your products or accomplishments? The highest-rated leaders do! They are not afraid to use the word love—and they mean it. Do you have enough courage to love?
EP. 755 – This week we listen to research from some of the biggest names in leadership–Dr. Henry Cloud, Jim Kouzes, Barry Posner, and Carol Dweck. We learn how the level of connections we have determine the level of impact on others’ lives. We also discuss the foundational truth about leadership and things that should NOT be a habit. Lastly, we find out the ONE skill that’s most important.
EP. 754 – The biggest researchers in the history of leadership found that one skill is more important than all of the others, and there are 5 ways to practice this skill.
EP. 753 – We always hear about things that should be turned into habits, but today we’re talking about the things in our life that SHOULDN’T be habits. We talk about the things that you have to be fully aware of and fully conscious of. Listen to today’s episode to find out what they are!
EP. 752 – “Who is the best leader that you know personally?” People were asked this question, and you’ll be surprised that the answers were similar! Listen to today’s episode to learn about how you as a leader can influence those people directly under you.
EP. 751 – Do you make truly strong connections with others? The level of connection determines your level of impact. Listen to today’s episode to learn about the one small step you can take today that will make a difference in others’ lives!
EP. 750 – FOUR more of the top 50 Harvard Business Review articles of all time are laid on the table this week! We discuss how you can discover your authentic leadership. Then to Michael Porters famous FIVE FORCES article. Next is the seminal article on Blue Ocean Strategy, followed by the article that put Emotional Intelligence on the map by Daniel Goleman.
EP. 749 – Possibly the BEST Harvard Business Review Article of all time for someone who wants to grow as a leader.
This is the real deal.
EP. 748 – A red ocean means there is blood in the water. It’s where all the sharks are competing for market share with their various products. Blue Ocean is totally different. It’s opening up an entire new horizon with the normal competitors. Think of Cirque Du Soleil. They weren’t competing against Barnum—nobody had every seen anything like Cirque!
EP. 747 – If you know someone who owns a company, you will be like gold to them if you forward them the link to this podcast, and have them watch the short video below. When we boil it all down, there are only 5 things that we need to constantly address related to the business environment. When you understand these as a consumer and as a business, our lives become much better and much more focused.
EP. 746 – Fantastic article from Harvard Business Review is discussed. You CAN become more authentic and true to yourself. The short podcast ends with an unforgettable illustration about how to become the same person at work as you are at home.
EP. 745 – This week we discussed FOUR of the top 50 Harvard Business Review articles of all time–the best of the best on the following topics: leadership that gets results, persuasion, decision making, and motivation.
EP. 744 – Huge learning opportunity right here! You don’t get motivated by fixing the things that de-motivate you! Those just get you to “normal.” If you want to go way above normal and truly motivate yourself and others, listen to this podcast!
EP. 743 – One of the most popular HBR articles of all time, a Nobel Prize winner and two others come up with 12 questions to ask before you make a BIG decision. We discuss 5 of the questions in the podcast, putting them in easy-to-understand language.
EP. 742 – The author of the HBR article worked with Sr. Business Leaders, studying them for 12 years. 8 years later, he studied lower-level managers of cross-functional teams. He found that the best of both were persuasive by being great in 4 areas. Bottom line: Persuasion is not convincing and selling. Persuasion is learning and negotiating.
EP. 741 – One of the TOP 50 Harvard Business Review articles of all-time is reviewed. There are 6 primary leadership styles that get results, but none of them is effective all the time. The best leaders learn how to switch between styles to get the results they need. You’ll learn how to improve by checking out the links below.
EP. 740 – Continuing our discussion of The 7 Traits of Super Productive People! (from the Harvard Business Review article). This podcast explores accessing the knowledge we need, increasing our internal drive, anticipating and solving problems, taking initiative, and collaborating with others. Oh, and if you only do one… take initiative!
EP. 739 – You would think that people who work by themselves are the most productive because they have less interruptions. It ends up that’s not the case! Collaboration is a trait of Super Productive people when they know how to do it right!
EP. 738 – Out of all 7 Traits of Super Productive People, I believe this one is BY FAR the most important. In this podcast we hear why taking initiative helps us to be the kind of employee that our boss LOVES. You will hear 1 Question that you can use at work or at the dinner table to help people get better every single day.
EP. 737 – The most productive people not only anticipate problems, they also solve them. But how? Listed to today’s podcast to learn what you can do to get better in this area.
EP. 736 – Continuing the “7 Traits of Super Productive People” series, this short podcast reviews two traits: getting the knowledge we need, and increasing our internal drive!
EP. 735 – What the best listeners actually do and traits of SUPER productive people.
EP. 734 – 7 Traits of Super Productive People continues with Consistency. What is it, and how do you get more of it into your life? You’ll hear about that today!​
EP. 733 – On April 23, 2018, HBR Online published a great article by Zenger and Folkman titled 7 Traits of Super Productive People. The research included data on 7,000 people looking at 48 traits. They found the top 10% tend to do 7 things far more than the lower productive people. We’ll look at the research over the next week, with one point of application each day.
EP. 732 – Part 2 of 2 on becoming an expert listener! Today, how to be cooperative rather than competitive,
and levels of listening.
EP. 731 – Old way: Look them in the eye, don’t talk when they are talking, and nod your head or go “hmm” once in awhile. It ends up that you might be rated a good listener, but not a GREAT one. We look at what the top 5% of listeners do differently.
EP. 730 – Each episode is based on a question from a leader.
My boss is always late!
I’m intimidated talking to higher-ups.
Start growing again!
My teammate’s work is late.
EP. 729 – A listener asks what to do when a brilliant team member is consistently late with her part of the work.
It slows down the group and frustrates everyone. Here’s what to do…
EP. 728 – You used to do well on your personal development and leadership growth, but you’ve gotten sidetracked, you’re a back-slider, and you need to get it in gear. But where do you start? Beating up on yourself doesn’t work–here is what does…
EP. 727 – My friend Jason in Chicago is an outstanding younger leader. He cares about people, he wants to do a good job, and his efforts have been recognized with promotions. At the same time, he understands that there are some politics in most organizations and he wants to be viewed favorably by those over him–but sometimes he feels intimidated. We review the research on intimidation and what we can do to overcome it.
EP. 726 – Mike from NYC sends in a challenge–his boss (the owner) constantly runs late. First we discuss what Mike shouldn’t do, then what he should do, and finally, how to do it (very important!).
EP. 725 – I look at why HBR devoted an entire issue to forgiveness and why Stanford started the Forgiveness Project. If you don’t know how or refuse to forgive, it’s like someone hurt you and as a result you choose to punish… yourself! Unforgiveness leads to many physical and mental illnesses and makes you less effective. This week’s episode explores what forgiveness really is, how to do it, and how to move on.
EP. 724 – American Express Salesforce went through a Talent Development program. It was really a training that helped them learn to forgive. The results? Their stress scores went way down and their sales went up by 25%!!! But the reason most people didn’t forgive… they didn’t know how! This 14-minute episode teaches you HOW with the four steps, the ABCDs of Forgiveness.
EP. 723 – Unforgiveness wreaks havoc in our hearts and minds, undermining our ability to lead ourselves. Ladies and gentlemen process unforgiveness differently. And there is a big difference between mistakes and sin.
EP. 722 – My personal story of needing to forgive, followed by a two-step process to get the inner hurt out of our hearts.
EP. 721 – From Harvard Business Review: “When you cannot forgive the people who have hurt you, these feelings become a mental poison that destroys the system from within.” This week we look at Leader’s inner lives, keeping it real and talking about a subject that will hold you back until you deal with it. Period. No way around it. Drop the Mic.
EP. 720 – Four GREAT articles from Harvard Business Review are discussed in about 8 minutes each,
including a summary and an application point.
EP. 719 – We all love the times that we are motivated to be and do our very best! But those times don’t last. In this HBR Article we see two things that you can do to stay fired up as your best self and stay connected to your purpose.
EP. 718 – We have strategic plans, but we just don’t get them accomplished. It ends up that the best advice for getting them done is the SAME for individuals or teams at work!
EP. 717 – Do you often feel like a fake? The research reveals that many of us do, even those executives who have reached some significant levels. We feel as though we are really lucky and we hope we are not “discovered” for the insecure person that we really are. HBR has taken on this subject many times over the years.
EP. 716 – From the Nov-Dec Harvard Business Review the article explores why we stick to our strategies, even when they are FAILING… and what we can do about it. Two points of application: Only look at FUTURE costs & If you disagree, SAY SOMETHING.
EP. 715 – We are too busy to stop and learn a better way. We are too busy to accomplish our goals. How do we counteract the busyness of our lives? Take a small, intentional step to stop for a moment and “learn what you are learning.” Productivity and profitability both go up!
EP. 714 – Democrats and Republicans agree on one thing (if they are highly productive people!). It’s what the hardest working celebrities and Olympic athletes have in common. And after this podcast, it will be the way that you ensure that you get things done!