Wednesday, September 6, 2017

When Should You Lead? And When Should You Follow?

A huge mistake that I see leaders make is that they try to lead--all the time!

NO ONE should lead 100% of the time (but many people think they should). We’ve all been in meetings with a VP or other high-ranking official. Based on his or her position, the person thinks they need to lead the meeting. BAD CHOICE! Deciding that you are the leader of the meeting simply based on position… that’s a very bad idea.

Too often the presumed leader doesn’t know what (s)he is talking about! Or the person talks too much to lead the meeting effectively. Perhaps they are not the most passionate person when it comes to the subject matter. In those instances, a different leader should be appointed. How do you do that? Watch the video!


In this week’s video, I tell the story about running a multinational organization as the CEO, and I didn’t even run my weekly executive meetings. Why not? Because I wasn’t as good at it as others on the team! I was a better strategist, team-builder, and director of the team. When I ran the meetings, I’d talk to much or go off on rabbit trails. So my friend Dan ran our meetings and he did a superb job.

I also share 3 instances where a younger or less experienced leader should be put in charge. Watch the video, then share it with one of the people on your team, and ask THAT PERSON to lead the next meeting.

You’ve probably heard the adage: Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way! How do you know which one you should choose? That’s what this week’s development video is all about.

Dr. Robster

PS. Meetings are either a great strategy or a waste of time. Make yours great by knowing when to lead and when to follow!

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