Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Living On Purpose

Nail Down Your Purpose in Life!

We are living in the busiest time in the history of the world! None of us lacks for things to do or additional options for our lives. And if we ever feel like we’re bored, we can grab the remote control and access over 100 channels (and we still think there’s nothing to watch). The onslaught of options wages war against our focus.

An unfocused leader gradually loses perspective, usually without even realizing it. Soon we feel so helpless that the only thing left to brag about is the size of our inbox. With the suddenness of an earthquake we find ourselves no longer in control of our own destiny. What a shock when we realize that we are only working on OPA: Other People’s Agendas!



That is a good descriptor of many leaders these days. It’s more a matter of your heart than of your brain.

Here’s my question for you: Is your heart focused on the things in life that are most important to you? CLICK TO TWEET.

Think of it this way: When your heart is focused, that is a huge competitive advantage in a multitasking world. Leaders, if you don’t take control of your life, someone else will. Most of us work for others, but we still create our destiny. Most things in our lives are there because we started them or allow them to continue. And too many of us are energy depleted because we lack the proper focus of the heart.

My next few blogs are going to focus more on your heart than on your head. As an academician and lifelong learner, I believe the head is super important… but not as important as the heart.

You can take your first step towards focusing your heart right now! First, pause, close your eyes and concentrate only on your deep breathing for ten breaths. (This resets your brain and removes some stress.) Now answer two questions:

1.    What is an area of strength for you? Living On Purpose always correlates to our strengths, so get rid of the things you can that are not in your strength zone.
2.    What is a passion that you have that you need to act on? Rekindle some of those dreams to make a difference in the lives of others.

It’s time to listen to your heart. Take ten more deep breaths if you need to, but start today. Below are some resources to point you in the right direction.

Ultimately, the choice is yours. You are the captain of your destiny—begin to steer your ship in the right direction.

Also, don't forget to check out this week's FREE Download on the 5 Ways to Become a More Authentic Leader.



Becoming the You That You've Always Hoped to Be
Dave Ramsey's Blog: How to Write a Personal Mission Statement
Locus of Control and Your Life

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